About Us

My name is Mackenzie and I'm so excited to share my heart with you!

When I had my second baby, I struggled deeply in the post-partum season. I didn't feel like myself. I felt like my life, as I knew it to be, was completely different. I wasn't (and sometimes I'm still not) sure what the day was going to bring. However, I knew that God called me to be a mom.

For years prior to my kids, I had a narrow view of worship. It was reserved for Sunday mornings and using our voices/instruments to lift up praise to Him. However, God slowly and kindly began to show me that worship was so much deeper. In becoming a mom, my view of worship and Jesus for that matter, changed drastically. The Lord showed me that being a mom, in and of itself, was worship. The late nights, the 2AM feedings, the endless diaper changes, laundry, snuggles through sickness, trips to the park, and so much more, this was all a form of worship. All opportunities to pray over my kids, to ask God for wisdom and to praise Him, even when it was incredibly hard.

Out of this, is how Motherhood Is Worship was born.

At Motherhood is Worship, we embrace the profound truth that motherhood goes beyond mere routine tasks; it is a sacred journey of devotion and sacrifice. Inspired by Romans 12:1-2, which urges us to present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, we believe that motherhood, when embraced wholeheartedly, becomes an act of worship.

Motherhood is a divine calling that mirrors the sacrificial love that God calls us to embody. It is a life poured out in service, a submission to the Lord's will, and an offering of ourselves for the well-being of our children.

I hope that these products bring you joy and a reminder of who you are in Christ, and who you were created to be.